Структура личного письма на английском языке

Структура личного письма на английском языке

Личное письмо – это обычно неофициальное письмо другу. От официального письма оно отличается своей структурой. Личное письмо имеет следующие разделы:
1. Обращение. В отличие от стандартного письма на английском языке письмо другу начинается с неформального приветствия. Здесь не место официозу — Sir, Dear Sir, Madam и т.п. —  в дружеских письмах не употребляется.
Наиболее употребляемые фразы в приветствии друга на английском языке с переводом:







Dear Tom

Дорогой Том



My dear Tom

Мой дорогой Том


Приветствия (Мои приветствия)

What’s happening

Что происходит (вместо приветствия)

Вместо приветствия можно просто написать имя друга.

2. Основное содержание письма. Body
Вот некоторые стандартные фразы, которые могут помочь вам составить свое уникальное письмо на английском языке с переводом:

I am very glad to receive your letter.

Очень рад получить твое письмо.

Thank you for your letter and for your kind thoughts about me.

Благодарю тебя за письмо и за добрые мысли обо мне.

I am so glad that you wrote  me!

Я так рад, что ты написал мне!

I appreciate your kind words very much.

Я очень ценю твои добрые слова.

I have delayed answering this letter because...

Я задержался с ответом на это письмо, потому что...

You might like to correspond with a boy of your age in Russia.

Может быть, ты хочешь переписываться с ровесником из России.

I was delighted to receive your letter, and I am so glad to have a pen-pal in England.

Я был рад получить твое письмо и рад иметь друга по переписке из Англии.

I was very pleased to know that you are well.

Мне очень приятно узнать, что у тебя все хорошо.

I wish you had come with me.

Мне бы очень хотелось, чтобы ты был со мной.

This takes most of my spare time.

Это отнимает большую часть моего свободного времени.

It looks as though my visit will have to be in August.

По-видимому, моя поездка будет в августе.

I am so glad you enjoyed it here.

Я так рад, что тебе понравилось здесь.

How are you doing?

Как твои дела?

Everything is fine with me.

У меня все нормально.

Please let mWe are going to travel to Turkey.e know if this is convenient for you.

Пожалуйста, дай мне знать, если это тебя устраивает.

I am sorry, I have not written.

Извини меня, что не писал.

 I'll be thinking of you.

Я буду думать о тебе.

This is just a quick note to let you know that I'm thinking of you.

Это всего лишь небольшое письмо, чтобы ты знал, что я думаю о тебе.

How has your summer been?

Как ты провел лето?

What have you been up to?

Что (интересного) у тебя было?

Are you playing any sports?

Ты занимаешься каким-либо спортом?

Have you been traveling?

Ты путешествовал?

My summer has been fun.

У меня было веселое лето.

I love soccer and tennis.

Я люблю футбол и теннис.

What color do you like? I love red.

Какой цвет тебе больше нравиться? Я люблю красный.

Do you have pets at home?

У тебя дома есть домашние животные?

I have a cat and two hamsters.

У меня есть кошка и два хомячка.

I am preparingfor entrance examsto the university.

Я готовлюсь к вступительным экзаменам в университет.

We are going to travel to Turkey.

Мы собираемся путешествовать по Турции.

3.Заключение. Ниже приведены основные заключительные вежливые фразы в письме другу на английском языке с переводом:

Your friend

Твой друг

Sincerely yours

Искренне твой

Cordially yours

Сердечно твой

Faithfully yours

Преданный тебе

Best wishes

С наилучшими пожеланиями

Yours Ever

Всегда твой

Yours affectionately

Любящий тебя

Your very sincere friend

Твой искренний друг

Affectionate greetings from all of us

Нежный привет от всех нас.

Good luck


Lots of love



С нежностью

Yours very truly

С искренним уважением

После заключительной вежливой фразы в письме на английском языке обязательно ставится запятая.

Вот некоторые примеры личного письма другу на английском языке.

Hi Alice,

I am very glad to receive your letter.I want totell you how I spent my summer.

I spent the summer very well. The weather was dry and sunny. My friends and I were swimming and sunbathing on the river. In the evening we played football. In July, I went with my parents to the Crimea. We were traveling through the mountains. We saw many new birds and animals.
In August, I was visiting my grandmother in the garden. I helped her with the harvest. A lot of fruits and berries have been grown this year. My grandmother was making delicious jam. The summer was great!

And how did you spend your summer?
Your friend,


Dear Kate,

Thanks a lot. I was happy to get your letter. I was surprised that you could ride a horse.

In your letter you asked me about my favorite activity. I like to play the guitar. Of course it 's my hobby. I began to play that musical instrument when I was nine. And now I can play very difficult musical compositions.
What's more, I've taken part in several contests. I 'm sure that it's rather difficult to play the guitar because you must practice a lot to be successful.
As for my dream, I’d like to become a famous guitarist.
I'm sorry I must go to musical school. Write back soon!
Best wishes,


Dear Dan,
    Thank you for your letter. It was interesting to read it.
You want to know more about the role of computers in my life. I agree with you that our life would be impossible without computers. This device is very important to me and it makes the life easier and more interesting.
I usually search for the information in  the Internet and communicate with my friends on line. Besides, I like to play computer games.
As for me, it is a real problem when my computer is out of order. My uncle who is a programmer usually helps me with it.
    Write back soon!
    Best wishes,


Dear Nick,
     It was so nice to get your letter.
      I am glad that you have pets! I think that it's very interesting to keep pets. They're funny and clever. Besides, you can play fun games with them. Besides some people are fond of animals. They like to keep the animals at home. Although it's quite difficult.
     As for me, I look after a dog. It's called Rex. This dog is very good. Last year my Rex attended a dog show and won it. Of course, it's hard to have a pet. I have to feed it and take a walk.
     Write back soon!
     With love,


Dear Paul,

Thanks for your letter. It is so nice to get news about you and your family.

As for me, I won our school tennis championship. You know I've been playing tennis for nine years. My parents bought me a terrific present — a new American tennis racket.

I cannot say that my classmates are fond of sports Their likings may be divided into two groups: the boys like playing football and basketball at leisure time; however, tie girls are not keen on sport games. Some of them prefer aerobics; the others don't go in for sports at all. It's strange, isn't it?
I congratulate Jane on entering such a prestigious university.
What department has she chosen? What is she going to study? Where will she live?

Well, I must go now becuase my mother is waiting for me.
Best wishes,

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