Урок английского языка 7 класс "Пример для подражания"

I.                  Оргмомент. 1) Приветствие.                                    (слайд 1)

— Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you.

How are you? I am fine. And you?

2) Диалогсдежурным. – Who is on duty today?

                                       — What date is it today?

                                      — What day of the week is it now?

3) Объявление темы и целей урока.

The theme of our lesson is ,,Do you have an example to follow?’’ During the lesson we’ll speak about many famous people of  Great Britain and Russia. We’ll learn new words and discuss the information about famous people.

I’d like to begin our lesson with the ancient Chinese proverb:              (слайд2)


                                                  Tell me and I will forget,

                                                 Show me and I may remember,

                                                Involve me and I will understand.


II.                Знакомство с новой лексикой.

-         People of different professions can be the pride of any country. What are these professions? Look at the screen!                                (слайд 3)

a cosmonaut                                      a musician

an astronaut                                      a scientist

a warrior                                           a playwright

a politician                                         an architect

a composer                                        a ballet dancer

a sportsman


III.             Работа над текстом.

-         Each nation has its heroes. Every country is proud of its famous people and Great Britain is among them.

Who are the British proud of?

Look at the screen, please. Here you can see the portraits of famous people.

FlorenceNightingale                                     (слайд4)

Princess Diana                                               (слайд5)

Horatio Nelson                                               (слайд6)                                             

William Shakespeare                                     (слайд7)

The task is:  Match the names with the information about famous people


a) He was a hero of the Great War with France and one of the greatest warriors.                 №8

b) Even a nurse can be a national heroine. She reformed and changed the whole system of the army hospital organization.         №9

c) She was the people’s princess. She created a new image of a royal.       №10

d) He was the world’s most famous playwright and a poet.                    №11




IV.            Разговорнаяречь.

-         People still love and respect Florence Nightingale, Princess Diana, Horatio Nelson, William Shakespeare.                                               №12

What kind of people were they?  - Make up the sentences


It seems to me that … was                                 generous



People remember that … was                          skilful






-What made the British be proud of them?                                 №13


The British      admire…. because he/she     won the battle of Trafalgar

                        respect                                 treated many people

                                                                     saved many people after battles

                                                                    was involved in charities

                                                                   wrote historical plays, comedies.


-         Our country is great and I am proud of it. Russia is famous for its outstanding people – scientists, writers, poets, travelers, explorers.                 


-What famous Russian people do you know?                                          №14

Yuri Gagarin, Valentina Tereshkova, Dmitry Medvedev, Alexander Pushkin, Ilya Repin, Peter Tchaikovsky and others.


Tast – Read the sentences and translate them:                                 №15

a)    Alexander Pushkin was a great Russian writer and poet.

b)    Tchaikovsky composed a lot of symphonies and created beautiful music  for operas and ballets.                                                                   №16

c)     We are proud of our famous artist Isaak Levitan.                     №17

d)    Dmitry Medvedev is The President of the Russian Federation.         №18

e)     They are cosmonauts.                                                                          №19


-         Why do we respect them?                                                              №20

(We respect … for his/her ideas (hard work, achievements, poetry, ambitions, masterpieces)


V.               Let’s speak about our Republic. Republic Mordovia is proud of its famous people. Our sportsmen have won a lot of medals in different international sports competitions. Their names are famous all over the world. Name them, please.                                  №21


— V.Borchin, O.Kaniskina, D.Nizhegorodov.


— Stepan Erzya was an outstanding sculpture.                          №22    

  — N.I.Merkushkin is the Head of our Republic.                            №23


VI.           Test. (краб)                                                                        №24

X.               Подведение итогов. Оценки.


So, today we have talked about the famous people. We learned new words.

You have worked very well and I liked your work.

You were active.


Open your diaries and write down the homework.


XI.           A very old Chinese proverb says:                        (слайд25)

If there is rightness in the soul

There will be beauty in the person.

If there is beauty in the person

There will be harmony in the home.

If there is harmony in the home

There will be order in the nation.

It there is order in the nation

There will be peace in the world.

If there is peace in the world,

There will be many famous people,

Who will be the proud of any country.


 Stand up. The lesson is over. Thank you very much. Good — bye.


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